Acentra Health EAP
Provider Resources
Provider Resources
Learning and Development
EAP Client Forms
Learning and Development
Acentra Health EAP Provider Requirements
- At least 2+ years of experience as a fully licensed clinician that can practice independently in your state
- 2+ years of experience handling complex work-related issues
- No board, licensure, or malpractice issues within the past 7 years
- Ability to schedule clients within 3-5 business days & can respond to clients within 24 hours (next business day)
- Malpractice insurance coverage of at least $1 million/incident, $3 million/aggregate
If you are interested in joining our provider panel, it’s as easy as 1-2-3!
- Click here to complete our application
- Sign contract after working with our recruitment team
- Update and confirm W-9 and Direct Deposit in the Provider Portal
That’s it! You’re ready to start accepting referrals!
If you need to connect with a member of the Provider Network Team, please call 1-800-713-6251 option 3 or email EAPProviders@acentra.com.