Onsite Crisis Management Services
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Crisis Management Services
At any time, we can experience an event that has the power to dramatically impact the emotional wellbeing of our employees and the stability of our organization. Workplaces impacted by natural or manmade disasters, robberies, accidents, death or threats of life, for example, will experience a disruption, that if left unattended can cause delayed recovery for the employee, their family, and even the organization itself. While it is normal for such reactions to occur, it sometimes can be very challenging to find the path to recovery and wellbeing.
Acentra Health has the expertise and leadership in the field of onsite response and overall employee/organization recovery. Our dedicated team of trained professionals combined with our national network of responders will assist you from the first call, throughout the entire intervention, and post-intervention follow up to ensure both employees and the organization have been stabilized. All Acentra Health personnel are trained in fostering resiliency, Psychological First Aid, and Disruptive Workplace Event Management.
Each crisis response begins with a call to our 24/7, 365 days/year call center, whereby a master’s level trained specialist will collect your information about the event and provide an immediate supportive response by first addressing any ongoing safety issues. Once safe locations for setting up the response have been identified, the specialist will assist in determining the best intervention, which can include any of the following:
This group typically includes employees who were impacted by the crisis event in some way and offers them psychoeducation related to emotions one may experience the event in addition to allowing participants to process their experience in a safe environment with a trained mental health professional. includes 5-10 employees who have experienced an event in a similar manner, either by proximity to the incident and/or actions taken during the event.
These one-to-one sessions designed with Psychological First Aid and crisis management techniques, to offer comfort, encouragement, and support to the employee in an effort to stabilize their reactions.
This is designed for large groups of employees to provide information and resources about the nature of the event.
This is a group of employees who are impacted by the loss of a fellow employee. The nature of the death may have been sudden, unusual, or anticipated. The group helps facilitate the unique challenges of the grieving process within a work environment.
A counselor is available onsite to provide support in a private area for informal contacts with any employee who is seeking such assistance.
Consultation is available with the onsite specialist when there is concern for employees, and strategies to return the workforce to efficiency.
Each event has Acentra Health supervisory oversight throughout the intervention to make sure onsite services are meeting the needs of the customer and as events change, are available to offer continued intervention services.